Spaces and


The Spaces and Places project, in addition to the large format images, also consists of 7 images distributed throughout several countries worldwide, where each person who receives the image should spend a few days with it at home, admire and have their relationship with it. Should post a photo of the work on Facebook or Instagram with #spaceseplaces and mark the artist @rodrigo__vila, if possible with the location of the city, to record all the places where the images have been. Then the image must be passed to a friend and so on, building a collective memory.

If you want to participate in the project, please contact me via social media or email.

Spaces and Places tell us about the places in the city. Fragmentary, inward-looking, dormant stories, past that others, are not allowed to read. Accumulated times that can be unfolded, but as stories kept in reserve, remaining in an enigmatic state. The places where people live are like the presences of different absences. What can be seen designates what is no longer there: “here used to be…”, but can no longer be seen.

Rodrigo Vila photographs the current city through 35mm slides and projects old slides over this current image. Making memories arise. Reproducing the brain process of looking at a place and seeing what is no longer there.


Date: 2021
Slide projection photography . print on acrylic . 70 x 100 cm

Follow me on @Instagram